You may have just seen a new community-based campaign, to test and expand your brain power. President Barack Obama recently unveiled an initiative to explore what he calls “a bold new research effort to transform our understanding of the human mind.” There are now television commercials advertising Luminosity, a website dedicated to training your mind. Last week a new program was launched on the National Geographic channel called Brain Games.
The mind seems to be a new exploration of the universe. But why now? William Newsome said this very well in his interview with We are at a unique stage in history where technology and neuroscience have advanced enough to test the effects of the brain on a person’s entire life.
All life; mentally, emotionally and physically, but primarily about personal development. The more we understand the way the brain works, the more we think about it, the better we live and do better. We become human 2.0 if you like.

Your brain is one of the largest muscles in your body, and like any muscle you have not used, ‘If you do not use it, you lose it.’ The real question as business owners, how can we do it to the fullest? After all, developing your thinking ability will lead to better ideas, decisions, actions, and business motivation. Next we expect to see huge profits, easy operation, and additional breaks. We therefore invite you to examine the latest trends in human development – brain development!
So how do you develop your thinking ability?
It turns out it’s not as strange as you might think. The brain begins to perform the functions that we normally do. Even though these techniques are healthy, that does not mean that they are the best for developing your thinking ability. Just as a bodybuilder needs to keep pushing himself, we must do this with our brain. Reaching a level outside your comfort zone actually activates new brain areas and increases the activity of neurons throughout.
We’ve found some fun and easy brain games to increase your thinking ability.

2) Try the other hand – Use your bare hand to perform simple tasks for a few days. Try eating, brushing teeth, or wearing button buttons. This creates new connections between connections in your brain. Maybe you will eventually come up with a solution to an ongoing problem!
3) Location – Go to a room – or look around while you wait outside – and choose five items and their locations. When leaving the area, try to remember everything and where they were. When you focus on the environment like this, you create a memory function and a habit of awareness.
Even if you do not always remember to take your vitamins, or weeks go by if you are unable to go to the gym for some reason, these are the little activities that will use your brain!
If you need to increase your brain power, try making small lifestyle changes first, such as taking a nap on the weekend, eating super food smoothies in the morning, or driving a new way of working all week. Be aware of any new and different ideas you have after trying these things. I am sure you will find that it helps your brain!