Sibling rivalry has always been there. Very often children fight and have disputes that are resolved soon after they originate. Working with a life coach can help them learn how to get along better with their siblings. Brothers make mistakes that affect their relationship with their sisters. They need to be more forgiving, patient and positive to have fewer issues with their brothers and sisters.
Here are some mistakes that brothers often make with useful tips on how to avoid them.
Tip 1: Losing their sense of calm: Brothers can get easily irritated. Often they become aggressive and lose their cool sooner than girls do. In a heated verbal encounter brothers could attempt to listen, be more patient and most important of all, make efforts to control their temper. Using harsh words ignites anger and can make a bad situation worse. Friends and siblings can provoke a stressful situation at any time. Therefore, exercising control over aggression and keeping cool helps avoid conflicts.

Tip 2: Not having a sense of humour: Taking things lightly and having a good sense of humour is appreciated in all relationships. Brothers could try to resolve disagreements and conflicts through a positive attitude. They can make the time they spend with their families even more memorable in a very positive way, by using their sense of humour.
Tip 3: Not showing unconditional acceptance: Nobody is perfect; it is true about ones siblings as well. Brothers can improve their relationship with their siblings by showing unconditional acceptance of their brothers’ or sisters’ affections, choices and interests even though they may not always agree. Acceptance of others preferences will bring greater understanding and happiness.
Tip 4: Not offering apologies: It is nice and makes for much better relationships when a brother is able to offer an apology when a mistake is made. If brothers could gracefully apologise whenever they have been unfair with their siblings; this will strengthen the brotherhood bond.
Tip 5: Not accepting criticism: Brothers could learn to deal with ‘criticism’ in a different way by accepting the feedback from their siblings and use it to make positive changes. Differences of opinion, lifestyle and priorities will always exist and it is better to stay open to what your siblings think about your choices and actions.
Brothers can better their relationship with their siblings by avoiding these mistakes, even if this only happens sometimes, it will go a long way to improving sibling relationships. They will also find that they will gain self-confidence, love and care from their family.
Remember, sometimes the smallest shift in thought and therefore behaviour, can have a far reaching impact in terms of outcome, both short and long term.
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